Thursday, September 9, 2010

Playing Catch Up from Xanga, Originally dated July 22, 2010

I have to go to Tahiti and tell Ally that i am in love with someone else- Frank

LOL, I hate that show.

Okay so this is basically another photo recap of my week... life has been so busy. SO BUSY.
Starts out with a four day weekend, which didn't feel like a weekend at all... we were bar tending at the Island Party Friday night. Which was a blast.  I love bar tending, and if it didn't tire me out so badly from being ON and super cheery for hours on end, i would seriously consider doing it part time.

They had a bonafide reggae band playing so after we dealt out all the red-stripe i could pour, among other drinks... the volunteers were encouraged to finish out the kegs at the end of the night with the band.
Dreadlocks EVERYWHERE!
loved it!
Here we are- the shirts were unflattering so i made mine a little cuter with some scissors and Flair!

Saturday my period woke me up with the cramps of death. So... that was fun. We were up early anyways to be ready for Tigo to be dropped off. This dog has had quit the Journey from a rescued pup from the store by my parents... to his forever home with some friends of ours. He is REALLY sketchy and prone to biting and not liking people, but for some reason he has always adored me... making us the perfect dog sitters. And Bonus is- his owners own a sub shop in town that we love and frequent and we are being paid in store credit.
Good bye waste line, and cooking :)
Here is Montigo... aka Tigo, the Husky Shepherd mix:

Vega is totally over him already... and could care less.

Saturday night was the grand opening of the first awesome Art gallery in town by our good friend Billy. I was laughing at my husband because this opening was written up in several papers and the reporters called the Mayor for his input, the head of Arts in Stark, and ... my husband.
I said "I am still getting used to the idea that your opinion matters"
... Bili: "Gee thanks"

So i tried my first DREADLOCK MOHAWK! And it worked! Which is good because today i need to recreate it for another photo shoot... AVANT GARDE!

My BEAUTIFUL friend and local famous artist AND the woman who drew my mermaid tattoo... Miss Megan Mars:

My Hot Mama Kerry

This here... this here is private ya'll

Mohawks and silly staches!

My friends brought their Irish Wolfhound to the Gallery at the end of the night:

Sunday and Monday were spent in the yard, we kicked its ass... and in turn, it kicked ours. Every muscle ached by the end of the day- but we have lots to show for it. All weeds are pulled, all blades of grass are shortened.

We had the garage floor and our tiny driveway replaced this week, and a 8x10 pad put in the back yard so eventually i can own the worlds cutest garden shed to store stuff in.

Soon ill be home all dolled up and ready to smile or not smile for the camera! Tomorrow Drew is coming over to make Doughnut Muffins (Its a Pioneer Woman recipe- don't hate). And Friday is a celebration for my mom's bday... and Saturday Craig comes to Visit, and Sunday is a glorious day filled with family!

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