Thursday, September 9, 2010

Playing Catch Up from Xanga, Originally dated August 9, 2010

Im getting lazier and lazier at blogging... but pictures speak a thousand words right? And are way more interesting then anything I could actually say. Friday I worked, dog-sat, cooked for the weekend, picked up our CSA, and helped tear out those pesky bushes that we have hated since the day we moved in. Seemed like the whole neighborhood showed up to help us pull them out. It only took 2 hours to pull 50 feet...and as a bonus i found a buried rock wall with BEAUTIFUL stones. If you don't know me... then you don't know that i love rocks. I love landscaping with them... i just love rocks. period.

Also.. another thing you should know is, i do most my hard yard work wearing flip flops. Yup... i like gettin dirty.

All day Saturday and ALL DAY Sunday were spent in a little town called Zoar at their harvest festival. We had a petting zoo set up and guess what? They have a new baby Zebra... ELEVEN DAYS OLD....can you believe it? She was SUCH a sweet heart. Saturday i was bit by a 14 week old tiger cub... fun fun... but it was worth it to play and get this photo:

And Sunday i was kicked heartily by the 2mth old buck i was carrying to its pen. ouch! bruised and bleeding. Oh well, its part of the job. And once on his feet- the little buck was as sweet as a puppy!

I considered what it would take to house train a goat. This is a baby pygmy... they don't get very big. I researched as far to see that you can train them to pee outside like a dog... but you cant train them to poop outside as they cant stop when the poop starts... HA! So it just comes out when its ready... oh well, maybe someday when i have a farm, right? :)

Miss Savannah:

And her GORGEOUS Legs:


Bottle feeding baby goats... two at a time... while the other four are fighting/head butting/ grabbing for the food... is a challenge, and adorable... and almost fun :)

So aside from that i am also playing the re-finance game. Calling some banks and seeing if that 4.5% interest rate would help us any on our home loan. We mortgaged at 5.2% four and a half years ago... but its worth a try.

And I have my evening free to catch up around the house and clean up the yard where we tore up the bushes. Oh and we have also been good for 10 days this month... only spending a few dollars and on our way to breaking even for the month. I am proud!

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